lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

13 in 2013

Al final me da cosita no escribir mis posts en castellano, así que no se... probablemente termine posteando en los dos idiomas...

Como el año pasado al final no hice ni la mitad de los proyectos que tenía pensado, se me ha ocurrido que para "obligarme" este año puedo hacer una lista del estilo de la que hizo Delanie de "30 antes de los 30". Yo tengo 41 y se que es imposible que vaya a hacer 41 proyectos diferentes, así que he decidido hacer "13 en 2013", a ver si así no tengo luego la sensación de que mi vida pasa entre trabajar, comer y dormir...
Ahí va mi lista:
1. Cocinar un nuevo plato cada mes a partir de alguno de mis múltiples libros de cocina
2. Ir a ver algún espectáculo en vivo a la ópera o al teatro
3. Terminar los proyectos de scrap que tengo a medias de los dos años anteriores
4. Ir completando el álbum que me ha regalado mi hermana Laura para documentar mi embarazo
5. Hacer un post al menos dos veces al mes
6. Hacer una excursión al mes, preferiblemente fuera de Paris
7. Cocinar un pan, pizza o quiche al mes
8. Mejorar mis habilidades fotográficas
9. Hacer al menos 6 proyectos de costura
10. Hacer al menos 6 proyectos de punto
11. Hacer el Project Life 2013
12. Empezar de nuevo a practicar yoga
13. Hacer con Laura el proyecto común 2 views

Last year I didn’t do many of the things I wanted, so in an attempt to change that, I have done mine the idea of Delanie (well, at least is in her blog where I saw it, I don’t know if it is HER idea or not). She made in her 29s “30 before 30”, and I really liked it, it was a list of 30 goals she wanted to do before turning 30. It was a list of serious and not so serious tasks, from buying her first house to just watch a movie at the drive-in. I’m 41 and I know it’s unreal I’m going to do 41 different tasks in the next 9 months (I’m always talking about my free time and mainly artcrafts and this blog), so I have decided to make my “13 in 2013” goals list. Some of them are something that I want to do each month, some are things I want to improve, others are things I want to finish. I’m going to do it “public” to somehow forcing me to do it; last year I was always so tired when arriving home that I just ate something and fell sleep in the sofa, and the weekends, between making things at home, the shopping and then again sleep, I had the feeling that I just work, eat and sleep, and I don’t like at all this sensation, this is why I want to change it.
My list is:
1. Cooking a new dish each month. I love cook books and I have tons, but at the end I don’t use them too much
2. Watch a live spectacle in the opera or in the theatre (opera or ballet)
3. Finish the scrap project I have not the previous years (I never find the time of printing the photos and put them in my albums... imagine!!)
4. Completing the album my sister Laura gave me for my last birthday for documenting my pregnancy
5. Post at least twice per month
6. Make an excursion outside Paris per month (this is going to be difficult now that it’s cold and after June with the baby, so it’ll be enough if we do just an excursion per month, even if it’s inside Paris)
7. Making a new bread, pizza or quiche each month (same as in 1)
8. Improve my photo-making skills. I really need it!!
9. Make at least 6 sew projects
10. Make at least 6 knit projects
11. Make 2013 Project Life. I don’t think I’m going to do it exactly each week, but maybe each month.
12. Retake yoga
13. Make with Laura the common project Two Views

I’ll share here with you my success all along the next 12 months as I tick off tasks!!

3 comentarios:

  1. Que buena idea!!!Y me tengo que enterar asi!! Ahora mismo hago mi 13 de 2013!! ME ENCANTA!! Por cierto, te faltan los links a mi blog en mi nombre :-P jajajajaja!!!

  2. Ahora mismo los pongo!!!! qué descuido más IMPERDONABLE!!!!! JAJAJAJA
    tu crees que llegaré si quiera ha hacer 4??? jeje


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